Point a web domain to the server

There are two ways you could point your web domain to our servers:

  • Change name servers (preferred)

  • Set the A/AAAA records

Change name servers

  1. Log into your web domain account.
  2. Look for the link or tab that states manage DNS (Domain Name Service) or manage NS (Name Server)
  3. You will now see a list of settings such as A Records, Hosts, CName (alias), MX (Mail servers), TXT (Text records), SRV (service), NS (Name Servers)
  4. We are looking for the NS (Name Servers) settings. It will look something this:
  5. Name ServersChange the values to the following:
  6. Save your settings and exit from your domain account
  7. Email support or use the contact form so the we can complete the steps from our side.

Set A/AAAA records

  1.  Similar to changing Name servers first you should log into your web domain account.
  2. Look for the link or tab that states manage DNS (Domain Name Service).
  3. You will now see a list of settings such as A Records, Hosts, CName (alias), MX (Mail servers), TXT (Text records), SRV (service), NS (Name Servers)
  4. We are looking for A record or Hosts setting. It is usually the first in the list and would look something like this
  5. A Records

    A Records

  6. Change to value of the field to the value the is mentioned in your email. The value is four numbers separated by a dot. For example (Do NOT use this value but take the one from your email!)
  7. Save your settings and exit from your web domain account.
  8. Email support or use the contact form so the we can complete the steps from our side.

At any point if you get stuck or get confused, we are here to help! Just mail support or use the Contact Us